The single most important feature on Footballguys before the season is the Draft Dominator. It's our killer tool for Crushing Your Draft. It takes every other bit of information on the site, customizes it for your specific league, and distills it down to a single recommendation, an easy roadmap to success. People know about the Draft Dominator, and they absolutely love it.
But your draft is done or about to be done. Now we're in the season. And the single most important feature on Footballguys during the season is the 5-Second Primer. It takes every other bit of information on the site, customizes it for your specific league, and distills it down to a single recommendation, an easy roadmap to success.
The 5-Second Primer saves you absurd amounts of time.
Bottom Line: It helps you win more games.
We want to make sure everyone knows about it.
If you give me just 5 minutes of your time right now, I can walk you step by step through setting up the 5-Second Primer. And if you do-- and I really don't mean to oversell things here-- I am confident it will change how you play fantasy football.
Step 1: Import Your Leagues
Here at Footballguys, we don't believe in giving generic advice. The number of owners in your league, the size of your starting lineups and benches, the scoring system, which owner you're playing in any given week... all of this makes a big difference in what players are worth. If we know this information, we can give you better advice.
So Step 1 to setting up any of our tools is making sure we know this information. Which means importing your leagues.
Our brand new import system makes this quicker and easier than ever before. Here's how you do that:
To start with, from the Footballguys home page, find "MyFBG" in the navigation bar up top and select "MyFootballguys Home".
Then from there, select "Edit My Leagues" from the navigation menu on the left. (If you're on mobile, you'll need to select the menu icon in the top left corner to bring out the full navigation menu.
If you drafted with the Draft Dominator, your leagues should already be here. If it's not here, don't worry, adding leagues is extremely easy. First, you click on the lime green "Add Leagues" button in the top-right corner.
From here, select your league host and provide us with your login credentials. We'll search that host for every league associated with your account. Select the checkbox for every league you want to import, then click "Import Leagues".
Just repeat this process for every league host you use until all of your leagues are imported. And if you have some leagues from 2017, you might notice some scary red text about how they aren't supported; once all of your 2018 leagues are imported, simply delete all 2017 leagues and that red text will go away.
Step 2: The Magic
Once all of your leagues are imported, you're ready for the magic that is the 5-Second Primer. It takes its name from the fact that if you only had 5-Seconds a week to spend managing your team, this is where you'd want to spend it. You can get there either from the menu on the landing page or from the navigation bar on the left.
On the 5-Second Primer, all of your lineups in all of your leagues are gathered in one place. Recommended starters are bolded, and if there are any free agents who are improvements over other players on your roster, they'll be displayed in blue so you can find and add them. If any of our individual projectors disagree with the consensus rankings, you'll get a second opinion under the normal recommendations.
When you're ready to set your lineup, there's a direct link next to the team name that will take you right to your league. It looks like a square with an arrow pointing up and right. After your lineup is set, you can simply close the tab, return to the 5-Second Primer, and repeat for the rest of your leagues.
If you want even more tailored advice, we can do that, too. Click on "Settings" and enable "Use Win% when possible".
With this setting enabled, we won't just look at your team, we'll also look at the team you're scheduled to play this weekend. Maybe we think you're a favorite and would benefit from a player with a slightly higher floor. Maybe we think you're an underdog and could use a bit more upside. Maybe we notice your second quarterback would cancel out your opponent's top wide receiver, or we think you'd be better off with a running back and a kicker on the same team so you'll benefit twice whenever that team scores.
No matter what, this setting will ensure that we consider every angle and give you the absolute best, most thorough, most customized advice we can offer. (Though do note that using Win% causes the 5-Second Primer to dig much deeper into your leagues and will cause it to load more slowly, especially if you have a lot of leagues imported at once.)
We know you're busy. The 5-Second Primer is our way of giving you the absolute best, most-customized advice we can so you can get your teams ready for Sunday in just a few minutes. I think it's the most important feature on the entire site during the season, and if you give it a try, I bet you'll agree.
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